Monday, June 29, 2015

June 26-28, 2015

The island chimney project moved forward last weekend.  Participants:  Bob, Patience, Chris (c'est moi), Josey, Jill, Nancy, John, and Leah.


Bob connected the damper control lever, which will open and close the damper.  We found these items (the sleeve, the rod, the brass handle) in niches around the chimney.

Close up of damper control rod being installed.

 Notes:  The connection between the damper rod and damper has not been found.  Searchers should look for the spiral-looking thing in this picture:
Bob adds a course of stones on a bed of mortar.  

Almost done.  
Finished!  Now it's time to let the mortar set.  

Ready for a mantelpiece.


Bob added 4 stacks of bricks that will support the smoke box.  You can see 3 of them just above the native stone.  I've circled one of them.

Side view.  The stacks hold up the first course of bricks that form the smoke box, which will rise above the damper.

Bird's eye view.  The damper is now surrounded by a course of bricks.  The square surrounding the damper will rise and narrow to form the smoke box (aka the "throat") that feeds into the flu that will rise above the roof line.
Closeup:  Bob lays the first course of the smoke box.

Closeup:  the interior stone gets backed up by a course of brick.

Closeup: damper open.

Closeup:  damper closed.